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"Making Musical Dreams a Reality"
"Making Musical Dreams a Reality"
A Little Something Different
The Lighthouse Gospelettes
The current "Lighthouse Gospelettes" have been singing together for more than twenty years. Inspired by the late Ms. Isolene Roach, (mother of Alma Stroud and Lisa Roach-Wilmore), Cassandra Stroud, Dierdra Stroud-Lee (also pianist) and Lisa Roach-Wilmore began singing as a trio. Later, this trio pulled together with Alma Stroud and formed today's Lighthouse Gospelettes: Alma Stroud, Lisa Roach-Wilmore (Sister of Alma Stroud), Dierdra Stroud-Lee and Cassandra Stroud (Both daughters of Alma Stroud & George Stroud, Jr.). When this group first started, they only had a pianist, George Stroud, Jr. Currently, the musicians are: George Stroud, Jr. - Bass Guitar (Alma's Husband), Stanley Stroud - Lead Guitar (Son of Alma and George Stroud), Takeio Stroud - Percussion (Alma and George's grandson, Son of Stanley Stroud), Howard Stroud, Jr. - Keyboard (Nephew of George and Alma Stroud), Dierdra Stroud-Lee - Keyboard (Daughter of Alma and George Stroud). Since Takeio Stroud (Drummer) is residing in Nashville, TN, they are blessed to have back with them Dennis Daniel - Percussion (Cousin of Alma Stroud & Lisa Roach-Wilmore and other members). The Lighthouse Gospelettes are also blessed with Rodney Stroud (Son of Alma and George Stroud) as Sound Technician, Stanley Stroud (Lead Guitarist) as Sound Engineer/Technician and Edward Barnett (who is like family) as Stage Hand/Asst. Sound Tech.